Theozine (Theo + Zine) is a publication that brings together writers and artists to explore a common Christian theme. We hope these articles will inspire our readers towards further conversation, study, collaboration, and creative community.

April 2022


True Hope

Issue 01 – True Hope

This small collection of articles is intended to spark fresh conversations about humanity's ultimate hope and future. Along with the Bible, the book Surprised by Hope (N.T. Wright) served as a starting point for each writer’s reflections on the subject. We hope it challenges and inspires readers to reflect on the uniquely Christian vision of resurrection and new creation.

Table of Contents

Click on a title below to view the article

01: Our Mortal Bodies Also

by Rachel Witzig | Tokyo, Japan

02: Revenge & Resurrection

by Nathan Hale | Phoenix, Arizona

03: Resurrected Bodies

by Blake Widmer | Kingston, Jamaica

04: The Body Sanctified

by Isaac Wofford | Roanoke, Illinois

05: A Fiery Hope

by Todd Hinrichsen | Phoenix, Arizona

06: How the Story Ends

by David Sceggel | Peoria, Illinois